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«Storyt lling and Storyboarding» at th Locarno Film F stival


2-5 août 2018


SCNAT, Plat -form Biologi , Swiss Acad my of Sci nc : & Dr. Sam r Ang lon (Sci nc Film School)


Dr. Sam r Ang lon (Sci nc Film School)


Th d sir of sci ntists to communicat l gantly with th g n ral audi nc using storyt lling, and th tir l ss s arch of filmmak rs for good stori s to t ll, d mand tight collaboration b tw n sci ntists and filmmak rs. How v r, filmmaking t chnical skills li outsid of th training of th acad mic sci ntists. H nc , th succ ssful collaboration b tw n sci ntists and filmmak rs r quir s that sci ntists acquir th basic knowl dg of film storyt lling and storyboarding. This will allow sci ntists to translat th ir r s arch into l gant and convincing cin matographic stori s, thus nhancing th communication b tw n th m and filmmak rs, and making it asi r for th filmmak r to transform th s stori s into films. Anoth r dir ct and ss ntial application of th "Storyt lling & Storyboarding Sci nc " will b r fl ct d in th way that sci ntists illustrat and xplain th ir r s arch. Sci ntists can ngag audi nc and incr as uptak by incorporating narrativ attribut s into th ir t aching, divulgation and publication. Good sci ntists do good sci nc , but gr at sci ntists ar also gr at storyt ll rs! -L arn basic skills about conc ptual and t chnical filmmaking. -Att nd Locarno F stival to watch films and analyz th m. -Discuss with prof ssional filmmak rs


Locarno Film Festival, Ticino



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